2019 Coaches Convention Recap

Mar. 25, 2019

This past weekend we had our 2019 Coaches Convention. We were joined by special guest speaker Dr. Joe Eisenmann who spoke on topics like Long Term Athletic Development (LTAD), building mentally tough athletes, the importance of recovery to athlete performance and injury prevention, and more. Over 50 coaches attended multiple seminars over the course of the weekend. 


Day 1: Friday, March 22nd in the Sport Manitoba Hall of Fame Gallery

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Dr. Joe Eisenmann  

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Day 1: Long Term Athlete Development: “From Boardroom to the Playing Field”

Day two of the weekend consisted of a full day of seminars. In the morning, coaches learned about the process of building mentally tough athletes, the importance of recovery to athlete performance and injury prevention, and reviewed the ABCA Video “How to incorporate Competition in Practice”. After lunch they learned about speed and athletic development, then had a reflection/discussion period. 

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Day 2: March 23rd in the Sport 4 Life Centre Lower Level. The Importance of Recovery to Athlete Performance & Injury Prevention


Baseball Manitoba would like to give a special thanks to Dr. Joe Eisenmann for speaking and sharing his knowledge with us. We would also like to thank all the coaches who attended the 2019 Coaches Convention, we hope you enjoyed the weekend and to see you all at our next event. You can visit the "Coaches" tab on our website to see all our coaching resources. 

We are excited to announce the 2019 Winnipeg Goldeyes Coach Symposium! 

Join us on Saturday, June 8 at Shaw Park. We will be hosting up to 50 coaches for a great day of baseball and coach education. Coaches will get to hear from Goldeyes Front Office and Coach Personnel and be introduced to learning opportunities throughout the day. Follow us on social media to stay updated on how you can register. 

Twitter: @BaseballMB
Instagram: @baseballmanitoba                                       
Facebook: @baseballmanitoba

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