2021 Female High Performance Camp Recap

Aug. 25, 2021

At the beginning of August, our Provincial Team coaches travelled to a Portage la Prairie, MB for our Female High Performance Camp. The camp was for female athletes ages 13-16, and allowed Team Manitoba coaching staffs to identify and develop players for the 2022 season. 

Group photo on day 1 of the camp.

The camp was held over two days, and each day was about 3 hours in length. 

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Coach Jason Miller instructing participants during a base running drill. 

Day one consisted of instruction/development.

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Coach Roger Langlais instructing another group of participants.

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A participant during an pop fly drill. 

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Coach Patti Hacault teaching participants about the importance of mental health in sport. 

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Coach Blaine Fortin instructing a group before beginning an infield drill. 

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A participant catching a ball thrown by Coach Blaine Fortin during a catching drill. 

Day two consisted of controlled scrimmages.

A participant rounding third base during a controlled scrimmage. 

A participant (catching) fires the ball down to first base during a pick-off drill. 

All of us at Baseball Manitoba want to congratulate everyone involved on another great high performance camp, and we hope participants enjoyed their time of the field!

Learn more about our Female High Performance teams here. 

Follow us on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook for more Baseball Manitoba news and events. 

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