2022 Spring Break Camp Recap

Apr. 07, 2022

Spring Break Camp

Presented by Baseball Manitoba and Triple Crown.

Sping Break Camp Logo.png

Last week, Baseball Manitoba and Triple Crown presented their annual Spring Break Baseball Camps! This years' program featured Week-Long Day Camps (Winnipeg), and Evening Specialty Clinics (Winnipeg and Brandon, Fielding, Hitting, and Pitching).  

Continue reading to learn more about our Winnipeg Week-Long Day Camp held at the Winnipeg Soccer Federation South.

Group photo taken on day one of the camp.

Players spent the week participating in a wide variety of activities.

From throwing and catching drills, to fielding exercises and batting practice, all participants had the chance to experience every station and improve their skills.

Coach Glen explaining a throwing drill. 

Two participants during the throwing drill. 

Coach James explaining the fundamentals of hitting.

Participants at a hitting station.

Coach Jason explaining the rules of Baseball5, a modified version of baseball where individual skills and hand-eye coordination are highlighted. 

Participants playing Baseball5. 

This camp was a great opportunity for participants to gain confidence as athletes. Different sports like soccer, dodgeball, and track and field were incorporated into the camp to encourage multi-sport athletes. Playing multiple sports has proven to be very beneficial for young athletes. (Learn more about Sport Manitoba's #PlayMoreBeMore campaign here.) 

Participants during a relay race that involved passing a baseball down a line of athletes. 

One participant hands off a ball to another during the relay race. 

The camp ended with an exciting game of dodgeball (Participants vs. Instructors). 

During the week, participants were given the chance to enter our 2022 Spring Break Camp Jersey/Baseball Cap Design Contest. 

All contest submissions. 


Contest winner submission.

Great job to all the athletes who submitted their creative designs and congratulations to Aaron S for winning the contest! Each participant who submitted a design has been sent a prize for all their hard work. 

All of us at Baseball Manitoba want to thank every participant for all their hard work. We hope everyone learned some new skills, gained confidence, and most importantly, had fun. Now that spring is here summer is close to follow, and we can’t wait for the 2022 season to start! We look forward to seeing you all out on the field in May! 

Group photo taken on the final day. 

Visit our Spring Break Camp page here. 

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