Sport Manitoba Launches Pathway to Safer Sport

May. 11, 2022

Today we joined Sport Manitoba as they reinforced their commitment to safer sport to the sport community. Find a media release from the event below. 

Media Release Source: Sport Manitoba

There is no place for abuse, harassment, bullying or hazing in sport
Sport Manitoba launches Pathway to Safer Sport: Safe Sport Line, resources, training, and accountability

May 11, 2022 - Winnipeg MB - Sport Manitoba is championing change in the sport culture of Manitoba. The Pathway to Safer Sport is a comprehensive framework of tools, templates, and resources that empower Provincial Sport Organizations (PSOs) and all who participate in sport in Manitoba to create a safer sport system.

We were the first sport organization in the country to mandate Respect in Sport training for all Manitoba coaches, we took the Responsible Coaching Movement pledge,  and we committed to the True Sport principles. On this pathway, we’re continuing to build on this framework by introducing three key services for preventing, addressing, and acting on misconduct or maltreatment in sport. 

  • Safe Sport Line 
  • Good governance policies
  • A new partnership with Sport Law

Safe Sport Line - Call 1-833-656-SAFE
Sport Manitoba was the first provincial sport leader to implement the services of a toll-free sport support line. The Safe Sport Line is for anyone experiencing or witnessing abuse, harassment, bullying, or hazing in sport to share their concerns, get advice, and be referred to the appropriate resource for actionable steps towards a safer sport experience. The Safe Sport Line is Manitoba’s 24-hour, confidential support and referral service for every person involved in sport in this province. 

Phone: 1-833-656-SAFE (7233)

In Manitoba, it is everyone’s legal obligation to report suspected child abuse. If in your honest judgment, you believe that a child may not be safe, you are legally required to report it. The experts at the Safe Sport Line can help you make that report. 

Sport Manitoba is calling on all Manitobans to add the Safe Sport Line to their phone’s contacts, so they can have it at the ready if they’re ever in a situation they don’t know how to handle. 

Good Governance
As of today, PSOs have access to The Learning Centre - an online platform with standardized policy templates that support good governance and help them make ethical decisions. These documents were developed by Sport Law and have already been reviewed and tested by other national and provincial sport organizations. 

Good governance ties directly into effective risk management. With these templates, PSOs can become more confident and competent in mitigating and controlling their greatest risks. The whistleblower, safe sport, and respect in sport policies are some of the policies all PSOs will be required to adopt and implement as part of their annual funding. We encourage you to ask your coaches, rec directors, and community sport convenors about the safe sport policies they have in place.

Sport Law
We have partnered with Sport Law to lead the development of inclusive practices, standardized templates, and guidance, to help us deal with conflict, complaints, and maltreatment in a manner that reflects legal requirements and organizational values. Now, when an issue arises, we have a trusted and respected partner who can provide sound advice and support to objectively resolve it. 

A priority in the Manitoba Action Plan for Sport (MAPS) is to strive to enable every person, especially children, to be free from bullying, hazing, or abuse in sport to create a safe, inclusive, and welcoming environment. The Pathway to Safer Sport will help us get there. It also delivers on our promise as the lead planning, programming, and funding agency for amateur sport in Manitoba to empower PSOs to build a strong and supported sport community.

Read more about the Pathway to Safer Sport on Sport Manitoba's website here

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