Blue Jays Baseball Academy Week - July 4-7, 2023

Jun. 13, 2023

2023 Blue Jays Baseball Academy Week

The Blue Jays Baseball Academy will be traveling to Manitoba from July 4 - July 7, hosting a number of youth baseball related events that include instructional clinics, a girls clinic, Rally Cap clinic, Canadian Futures Showcase tryout and a Challenger Baseball Game.

Learn more about each event and find out how to register below.

Instructional Clinics

The Blue Jays Baseball Academy are hosting one day, four-hour Instructional Clinics for beginner baseball players aged 8-13.

Dates and Locations
Wed, July 5 - Rotary Republic Park, Portage la Prairie
Thurs, July 6 - Selkirk Recreation Center, Selkirk

Times: 10:00am to 2:00pm
Ages: 8-13
Cost: $89 (plus HST)

Click HERE to register.

Girls Clinic

The Blue Jays Baseball Academy are hosting a one day, three-hour girls clinic for kids aged 7-15. This event resembles an Instructional Clinic, with a focus on welcoming those who identity as a girl.

Date: Tues, July 4
Time: 9:00am to 12:00pm
Location: Shaw Park, Winnipeg

Ages: 7-15
Cost: $49 (plus HST)

Click HERE to register.

Baseball Academy Showcase Tryout

The Blue Jays Baseball Academy Showcase is a national amateur baseball showcase held at Rogers Centre each September hosted by the Blue Jays Baseball Academy. The goal is to provide a showcase opportunity for the best amateur baseball players born in Canada, with draft and college eligibility. It acts to centralize the best Canadian baseball players, with the intention of exposing them to as many MLB scouts and college recruiters as possible.

Date: Tues, July 4
Time: 2:00pm
Location: Shaw Park, Winnipeg

Ages: 14-19 (as of September 1, 2023)
Cost: $110 (plus HST)

Click HERE to register.

Challenger Baseball

The Blue Jays Baseball Academy are hosting a Challenger Baseball Game on Wednesday, July 5 at 2:30 p.m. in Portage la Prairie.

To register for this event, please contact your local challenger league or email There is no cost to attend this event.

Rally Cap

As part of the 2022 #RallyCapsOn contest, Rosenort Minor Baseball was selected as the winner of a 2023 Blue Jays Youth Baseball Clinic for their association. Taking place on Friday, July 7 from 10:00am to 12:00pm, the Blue Jays will host a free baseball clinic for Rosenort Rally Cap players.

To register for the clinic, please reach out to Rosenort Minor Baseball.


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