



Baseball Manitoba Scholarships

in 2018 Baseball Manitoba created 5 scholarships to celebrate 50 years as an association. They are:

  • On Deck Custom Apparel Canada Cup Provincial Team Player Scholarship
  • On Deck Custom Apparel Female Player Scholarship
  • Umpire Scholarship
  • On Deck Custom Apparel Coach Scholarship
  • Access Credit Union Player (non-provincial team) Scholarship


If you have any questions, please contact the Baseball Manitoba office at 925-5763.  


APPLICATION DEADLINE: JULY 15, 2024 - Applications for 2024 are now closed. 

Note: It is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure that the on-line application is complete and that all required information, documents and reference letters are attached with the application.  Please refer to the check list.  Failure to provide all the required documents and/or information will result in disqualification.  Please feel free to include any other attachments or information regarding the questions in the application. 


  • Completed Application Form with accurate information. 
  • Attach three (3) letters of reference. 
  • Final High School Transcripts or a certified photo copy of the Permanent Record Card. 
  • Completed essay.

2024 Winners

On Deck Custom Apparel Canada Cup Provincial Team Player Scholarship - Connor Martin (Nesbitt)

On Deck Custom Apparel Female Player Scholarship - Leah Peitsch (Winnipeg)

Umpire Scholarship - Rory McCallum (Brandon)

On Deck Custom Apparel Coach Scholarship - Landon Gudnason (Glenboro)

Access Credit Union Player (non-provincial team) Scholarship - Lucas Lyons (Winnipeg)

2023 Winners

Canada Cup Provincial Team Player - Tyson Vassart (La Salle)

Female Provincial Team Player - Jewell Thompson (MacGregor)

Umpire - Alexandre Lambert (Lorette)

Coach - Kieran Reid (Manitou)

Player (Non-Provincial Team) - Ryder Duncan (Winnipeg)

2022 Winners

Provincial Team Player - Cody Gunderson

Female Provincial Team Player - Darbi Poole

Umpire - Evan Hildebrand

Player (Non-Provincial Team) - Ryan Powers

2021 Winners

Provincial Team Player - Donavan Collier

Female Provincial Team Player - Zara Dickson

Umpire - Evan Hildebrand

Coach - John Patmore

Player (Non-Provincial Team) - Liam Agar

2020 Winners

Canada Cup Provincial Team Player - Maddux Mateychuk (Dominion City)

Female Provincial Team Player - NONE

Umpire - Bryden Bukich (Winnipeg)

Coach - Paul Esteves (Winnipeg)

Player (non-provincial team) - Ben Baydock (Winnipeg)

2019 Winners

Canada Cup Provincial Team Player - Logan Warkentin (Domain)

Female Provincial Team Player - Brittney Langlais (Garson)

Umpire - Owen Tataryn (Argyle)

Coach - NONE

Player (non-provincial team) - Nicholas Martineau (East St. Paul)

2018 Winners

Canada Cup Provincial Team Player - Martin Gisiger (Winnipeg)

Female Provincial Team Player - Jamie Johnson (Arborg)

Umpire - Daniel Gussakovsky (Winnipeg)

Coach - Olivia Sheldon (Ste. Rose du Lac)

Player (non-provincial team) - Stephane Lagasse (St. Adolphe)




Andrew Budge Memorial Scholarship

In Cooperation with Manitoba Baseball, this scholarship is open to students entering the first year of a full-time post secondary program at an accredited university or college. One scholarship of $1,000 towards tuition and/or textbook expenses is available. Preference will be given to those with past and planned participation with baseball in Manitoba. Interested students should submit contact information, proof of enrollment and an essay in support of their application including any appropriate references (no more than 3) and work/academic/volunteerism histories. The judging committee has the final decision on awarding of the scholarship each year and reserves the right to defer in the event of no clear candidate meeting the criteria. Disbursement of the scholarship is on a one-time basis.


APPLICATION DEADLINE: JULY 15, 2024Applications for 2024 are now closed. 

Past Recipients
2014 - Liam McNeill and Adam Nocita (Winnipeg)

2015 - Mitch Lyall (Brandon)

2016  - Nikolai Kauenhofen (Blumenort)

2017 - John Patmore (Pipestone)

2018 - Sarah Moir (Winnipeg)

2019 - Jesse Skelton (Hartney)

2020 - Jack Moir (Winnipeg)

2021 - Gavin McLennan (Winnipeg)

2022 - Ryan Powers (Beausejour)

2023 - Jaxon Macdonald (MacGregor)

2024 - Aiden Mackenzie (Headingley) 



Winnipeg Goldeyes/Baseball Manitoba "Field of Dreams" Scholarship
The Winnipeg Goldeyes Baseball Club, in conjunction with the Baseball Manitoba, will provide three (3) $1,000.00 post-secondary scholarships to applicants who meet the required criteria. The criterion is as follows:

1. Must be a Manitoba resident.

2. Must be enrolled, or planning to enroll, in a post-secondary institution (Canada or U.S.). Scholarships may be conditional in that funds will be withheld until such time as the recipient provides proof that they are attending or will be attending a postsecondary institution.

3. Must be a registered member of Baseball Manitoba (player, coach, or official).

4. Must complete the application form on-line and submit by the required deadline.

5. Requirements for selection shall include, but not be limited to athletic achievement in baseball, academics, and citizenship.

6. The following must accompany the application before the application will be considered:

(a) A letter from the Principal or Post-Secondary Administrator certifying the candidate’s scholarship, character and ability, and participation in school
(b) If the candidate has graduated or is graduating from high school, a final transcript of the student's marks for grade 12 or a certified photocopy of the Permanent Record Card. If neither is available, a typed copy of the Permanent Record Card verified by the Principal or Post-Secondary Administrator's signature will be accepted. If currently in a post-secondary institution, include a certified photocopy of university grades.

7. Disbursement of scholarship funds is on a "one-time" basis and is not intended as a yearly subsidization program. If a candidate is unsuccessful in their first application, they may apply again. There is no limit to the number of times a candidate may apply, other than the condition of having previously received a “Field of Dreams” scholarship.

8. Athletes receiving carding from Sport Canada or the Province of Manitoba are ineligible.

The selections of the "Field of Dreams" Scholarship program selection committee are final. Winners will be notified of their selection and will receive their cheques on “Field of Dreams” Day, in August at Blue Cross Park in Winnipeg.


APPLICATION DEADLINE: JULY 15, 2024Applications for 2024 are now closed. 

Past Winners of the Field of Dreams Scholarships are:
2005 Kevin Reimer (Steinbach), Chris Omori (Winnipeg), Chris Johnson (Winnipeg)
2006 Steve Kletke (Altona), Ian Jansen (Winnipeg), Duncan Sourisseau (Winnipeg)
2007 Brett Schreyer (St. Andrews), Brenden Sommerhalder (Winnipeg), Kiel Armstrong (Winnipeg)
2008 Eric Flynn (Winnipeg), Scott Dyck (Oak Bluff), Andrew Lochheed (Reston)
2009 Dustin Donald (Rossendale), Tim Penner (Steinbach), Elliot Desilets (Ellie)
2010 Jean-Michael Habek (Winnipeg), Cole Southall (Winnipeg), Jamieson Krentz (Steinbach)
2011 Patrick Vandoorne (Boissevain), Nathan Christiak (Dufrost), Ben Dartnell (East St. Paul)
2012 Ryan Kuhtey (Winnipeg), Mike Vollrath (Winnipeg), Zak Mayo (Mather)
2013 Eric Swanson (Winnipeg), Anthony Ingram (Winnipeg), Tyler Wiwchar (Winnipeg)
2014 Brett Harrison (Winnipeg), Curtis de Peña (Winnipeg) and Paul Esteves (Winnipeg)
2015 Brady Moxham (Oakville), Neal Wiebe (Steinbach), Al Andre (Winnipeg)
2016 Marshal Burgess (Brandon), Cody Bartel (Blumenort), Bryce Hunt (Winnipeg)
2017 Katelyn Heppner (Winkler), John Patmore (Pipestone), Jordan Peck (Winnipeg)
2018 Martin Gisiger (Winnipeg), Olivia Sheldon (Ste. Rose), Owen Harms (Winnipeg)
2019 Logan Warkentin (Domain), Rhys Morris (Winnipeg), Amber Baker (Strathclair)
2020 Jamie Johnson (Arborg), David Baron (Winnipeg), Arlen Peters (Schanzenfeld)
2021 Ben Freiter (Winnipeg), Juni Song (Winnipeg), Gavin McLennan (Winnipeg)
2022 Riley Craw (Winnipeg), Jonah Norman (Winnipeg), Brady Papineau (Great Falls)
2023 Colson Smith (St Andrews), Ethan Minaker (St Andrews), Landon Gudnason (Glenboro)
2024 Austin Quark (Winnipeg), Callum Rice Craw (Winnipeg), Joshua Smeltz (Niverville)




Sport Manitoba Scholarships

Coaching Manitoba Bursary - On an annual basis, presents bursaries to four students who have demonstrated a commitment to coaching in Manitoba. Their goal is to encourage students to continue coaching while attending a post-secondary institution.
Students who are, or will be, enrolled in the upcoming school term in post-secondary education and currently coaching for a school, club or community center are invited to submit an application. One male and one female student coach from the Winnipeg region and one male and one female student from rural Manitoba will be selected to each receive a bursary of $500 to be used towards their tuition.


More information and the Application Form can be found HERE

Manitoba Foundation for Sports Scholarship Application - The Manitoba Foundation for Sports (MFFS) scholarship program administrated by Sport Manitoba was established to support young athletes of Sport Manitoba partners, who continue to participate in amateur sport while pursuing a post-secondary education on a full time basis. The scholarships are awarded to graduating high school students entering a post-secondary institution and to students in their second or subsequent year in a post-secondary institution.
The program's emphasis is placed on athletes who have competed at the provincial level or higher during 2016/2017, and who have maintained a high level of academic standing, while showing a commitment to amateur sport through their involvement in coaching, officiating and volunteer activities. Preference will be given to athletes attending university or college in Manitoba and enrolled in a related field, pursuing a career in sport. The number and amount of scholarships awarded annually will vary, based on the number of applicants and the funds available for distribution.
The Bud Tinsley Sport Leadership Scholarship was created in memory of Robert (Bud) Tinsley by his family and friends to recognize a Manitoba student athlete who demonstrates similar leadership traits that were attributable to Bud. Bud was introduced to organized football in high school and his athletic career and contributions persisted from there. Bud had a reputation as a fearsome tackler and played that position for the Winnipeg Blue Bombers from 1950-1960, serving as the perennial team captain and played in Grey Cup championships in 1958 and 1959. His numerous awards included: induction into the Winnipeg Blue Bombers Hall of Fame, the CFL Hall of Fame and four time inductee into the Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame. In addition to his outstanding athlete results, Bud gave tirelessly of himself as active volunteer leader with the Shriners, community groups and the sport community throughout his life. The recipient of this $500 scholarship will be selected from among the successful MFFS Scholarship recipients.


More information and the Application Form can be found HERE

Fleming Family Hockey Coach Scholarship

Sponsored by Jennifer Fleming

Jennifer Fleming created the Fleming Family Hockey Coach Scholarship, in memory of her father Jake Fleming and her brother Wayne Fleming, to recognize an upcoming Manitoba hockey coach who shows similar coaching and leadership traits that were characteristic of both Jake and Wayne. 


More information and the Application Form can be found HERE 




Princess Royal Pan Am Scholarship

The Princess Royal Pan Am Scholarship Endowment Fund provides financial support for Manitoba's high performance athletes in their pursuit of excellence at the national and international levels of competition while serving as a tribute to commemorate the Manitoba visit of Her Royal Highness the Princess Royal in 1999. The Princess Royal Pan Am Scholarship awards two (2) scholarships per year valued up to $3,000 each to one male and one female high performance athlete enrolled in a post-secondary institution in Manitoba.


More information and the Application Form can be found HERE 




Youth Leadership Scholarship Program
The Youth Leadership Scholarship Program recognizes Grade 12 students who have engaged in meaningful leadership and citizenship volunteer activities during the past year that were targeted at promoting healthy living in their communities and schools. Two hundred scholarships of $500 each are available to Manitoba grade 12 students. Scholarships may be used to attend post-secondary studies at any recognized post-secondary institution
More information, including deadlines and how to apply can be found HERE



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